This is the section of the site dedicated to direct experiences related to the 2Vip project On this page the members of the project partners publish images and stories of the "Work in progress" of the 2Vip project. Leafing through this sort of diary you will be able to read an account of all the activities.
October 13, 2021
Official welcome from PL and start works about VIdeo & Virtual reality for successful youth’s Participation in democratic life
October 13, 2021
Example of...
October 13, 2021
... -
October 13, 2021
Presentation of Agenda of meeting VIdeo & Virtual reality for successful youth’s Participation in democratic life
October 13, 2021
October 13, 2021
Good Example of Civic Partecipation incoming from Italy!
October 13, 2021
Good Example of Civic Partecipation incoming from Poland!
October 13, 2021
Let's share the Partners' good examples for Civic Partecipation incoming from each Country! This is UK!
October 13, 2021
Let's start our work in Poland...we meet everyone live!
All photo shows participant without mask because currently in Poland (October 2021) you are obliged to wear the face mask in public places (e.g. shops, shopping malls, churches, banks, theaters, cinemas) and when using public transportation (e.g buses, trams, trains). The Lower Silesia region, where Wrocław is located, is in the so-called green zone. According to the Polish government, further restrictions will be imposed regional-wide, not national-wide.