Puliamo il Mondo is the Italian edition of Clean up the World, the largest environmental volunteer event in the world.
Brought to Italy in 1993 by Legambiente, which took on the role of the organizing committee. It is present throughout the country thanks to the tireless work of over 1,000 groups of ”environmental volunteers”, who organize the initiatives at a local level in collaboration with associations, companies, committees and city administrations.
With this initiative parks, gardens, streets, squares, rivers and beaches of many cities around the world are freed from waste and neglect.
The campaign originated from the collaboration between Clean Up Australia and UNEP (United Nations Environment Program), united by the common goal of extending on a global scale what was proposed by the Clean Up Sydney Harbor Day initiative, carried out in Australia in 1989.
Clean Up Sydney Harbor Day and, later, Clean Up Australia were conceived by Australian builder and sailor Ian Kiernan. In 1987 Ian Kiernan, sailing across the oceans with his sailboat, was impressed and disgusted by the huge amount of waste he encountered everywhere he went, even in the most pristine areas, like the Sargasso Sea in the Caribbean.
In 1990, in the wake of what was a great success, the entire nation was mobilized on the first day of Clean Up Australia, which registered a participation of over 300,000 volunteers.
In 1993, Clean Up Australia involved other countries in its campaign of commitment to protect the environment, giving life to the first edition of Clean Up the World.
Puliamo il Mondo 2021 was held on September 24th, 25th and 26th.