Civil service is the voluntary choice to dedicate a few months of one’s life to a defensive service, unarmed and non-violent, of the local area, to education, to peace among populations and to the promotion of the founding values of the Italian Republic, through actions for communities and for the territory.
Civil service represents an important opportunity for training, for personal and professional growth for young people, who are an indispensable and vital resource for the cultural, social and economic progress of the country.
The areas of intervention in which the Bodies propose the projects that involve the voluntary operators are:
– assistance
– civil protection
– environmental heritage and urban redevelopment
– historical, artistic and cultural heritage
– education and culture, landscape, environmental, sport, sustainability and social tourism promotion
– agriculture in the mountain areas, social agriculture and biodiversity
– promotion of peace among peoples, nonviolence and unarmed defense
– promotion and protection of human rights;
– development cooperation
– promotion of Italian culture abroad and support for communities of Italians abroad.
With the Legislative Decree 6 March 2017, n. 40, civil service aims to accommodate all requests for participation from young people who, by voluntary choice, intend to have an experience of great educational and civil value, also training them in skills that can be useful for entering the world of work.