Entrepreneurship for young people – participation in webinars – This youth initiative was established in order to promote entrepreneurship education and social entrepreneurship among young people in one of the region with highest unemployment rate (34%) in south Slovakia, putting entrepreneurship ideas into practice with a view to tackling challenges and problems identified within their communities.
OBJECTIVES: To encourage active social entrepreneurship in excluded regions and rural areas; To include young people in the region /specially rural areas/ into the labor market – targeting the NEET by boosting their entrepreneurial skills (digital, managerial and language skills); To build a strategic collaboration with regional authorities and entrepreneurs by developing social enterprise business idea and by implementing the idea with the support of the strategic collaboration; Internationalization of youth work by exchanging good practice examples and by creating the network of young people and organizations with the same objective; Build transnational cross – sectoral network of social enterprises to promote innovation, exchange of experience and know-how between different types of organizations.
TARGET GROUP: Young people from excluded regions and rural areas with fewer opportunities
Activity – 1ST. INTERNATIONAL MEETING – Slovakia – August 2016 – 7 days
Main aim of this activity will be to introduce the project partners, local entrepreneurs and 5 young potential young entrepreneurs and to provide them good quality training using formal and non-formal learning tools.
Partners will be responsible to introduce to the others the topics, within the are experts: Social economy and SE in EU and project partner countries; Entrepreneurship skills; Digital skills and social media; Developing business idea & project management; Self – employment in rural areas (other than agriculture); Marketing, fundraising and crowd funding.
Local meeting with local municipalities, young people and local entrepreneurs; Preparation of pilot action social business ideas with the support from local municipalities and entrepreneurs; Mentoring programme with an aim
to motivate and inspire 5 young people to setting of new bussineses with social context in their region; PleNET SEON award – chosing and sustainable networking activities
POLICY CONTEXT: The political context of the project, and the guidelines to which constant reference will be made during the training course, are: Erasmus+ programme with its objectives and priorities and values; New skills for new jobs: Action now, A report by the Expert Group prepared for the European Commission; Recommendation of the European parliament and of the council for key competences for lifelong learning; Slovak republic strategy for youth 2014-2020; Europe 2020 strategy; Council recommendation on a Quality Framework for Traineeships; Inclusion and Diversity Strategy.
OUTCOMES: 5 TRAINED YOUNG PEOPLE-POTENTIAL ENTREPRENEURS; 35 EDUCATED YOUNG PEOPLE WITH FEWER OPPORTUNITIES; 5 IDENTIFIED SOCIAL ENTERPRISE IDEAS; 1 REGIONAL NETWORK; 1 INTERNATIONAL NETWORK; Web page PlaNET SOEN & virtual space on FB; 1xkick off meeting, 6x webinars, 2x physical mobility, 2x regional meeting with the entrepreneurs and local municipalities, 1x PlaNET SOEN award, 1xfinal conference/presentation; 10 THINGS TO DO TO IMPROVE THE COMMUNITY YOU LIVE IN – INTERNATIONAL BROCHURE; REGIONAL MENTORING PROGRAMME; Global definition of social enterprise and the manual of how to establish a social enterprise with webinars.